Privacy Policy

When you access Wadisale and the services provided to you by Wadisale, you share some of your personal information that we use to make your experience better.

Our privacy policy explains:
  • What information we collect and why we collect it.
  • How we use that information.
  • The choices we offer, including how to access and update information.
  • Third party website urls.
  • Cookies
  • How you can contact us about privacy concerns

Information we collect:
When you create your account and access our services, you share your personal information like your name, email address, telephone number, location address, company name, contact information, location on the map.

How we use that information
We use the information you provide for your better experience and customer satisfaction, we do not share your information with third parties which are not part of Wadisale. You can control what you share and how you share as we only get limited information about you but still you control what you share We only share information with Google Services such as Google Adsense and Google Analytics

Transparency and choice
People have different privacy concerns, which makes our goal to be transparent and clear about what information we collect and how users can control what they share.

Modifying personal details.
You can change or modify your personal details from the Profile Settings at any time. We advise our users to provide correct information always for better experience.

Information you share
Our services will be indexed by search engines and will make our services accessible to the public which will make your information indexable. Some part of your information will remain public for a better experience like Username, Seller Name, Item Title, Ad Description, Ad Content, Phone Number and Map Location.

User Content Sharing and Advertising
Information about User Advertisement could be shared on Wadisale’s social media accounts. Ad Links, title, contents, images, and excerpt associated with user advertisements will be posted on social media accounts associated with E.g, if a user post an Advertisement on or any of its partner sites, that Advertisement will be shared on Wadisale’s Social Media Accounts and all user’s Ads shall be viewed by Wadisale’s followers and General public or whoever visits Wadisale’s Social Media Accounts. The decision of whether User Advertisement shall be shared or not will remain with and any user Advertisement shall be shared upon approval immediately if decided to be shared by Advertisements on and wadisale mobile app would be shared after review and approval.

Accessing and updating your personal information
User must register and enter username and password/OTP code to access his account or make transactions on wadisale platform. When you use our services we give you access to your information and options to modify and update your current profile. We advise all our users to give legit information always, as this will help us improve your experience as a user and maintain our records properly.

Your use of your and other users’ personal information
Wadisale members may need to share personal information with each other to complete transactions on wadisale. You should respect, at all times, the privacy of other members. We cannot guarantee the privacy of your personal information when you share personal information with other members, so you should always seek information on the privacy and security policies of any other members with whom you are transacting prior to sharing any of your personal information with another member. This privacy policy does not cover your release of your personal information to another member. You agree to use any personal information received from another site member in relation to a transaction on the site solely in relation to such transaction and shall not use the information received from another site member for any other purposes (except with the direct consent of the other site member). You acknowledge and agree and you shall use personal information received from another site member in accordance with all applicable laws.

Acceptance to use our service;
By registering on the app or site, you give us your express consent to receive promotional emails and messages about our services and emails announcing changes to, and new features on Wadisale

We Use Google Adsense for providing Ads on our site.
Google uses cookies to serve ads based on a user’s previous visits such as personalized target advertising based on user’s activity on other websites and on google platforms. Users can opt out of personalized advertising by visiting opt out services such as or by blocking the ads by ad blocker. Google uses different networks to display ads on site, which may include personalized ads, or non-personalized ads that can be opted out by opt out services such as or by other means of blocking ads. will redirect you from to any other website or URL displayed in the Ads provided by Adsense Ads or by Google networks or wadisale promoted ads and have no relation with those Websites or URLs that will be visited by clicking on the Ads by Users at Google will use and place cookies on users browsers through this site and may serve personalized Advertising or Non personalized Advertising to serve ads to each user on We Use google analytics We use Google Analytics to analyze user activity in order to improve our site. Google Analytics use cookies on users browser, through this site to look at the aggregate patterns by monitoring the user activity on site and overall users time spend on the site and also the location of the each visit on this site, which include live states about online users on the site and the time spend on each page and also overall duration of each user session on the site. For any privacy concern, please reach us at [email protected] Please read our full terms and conditions, privacy policies and guideline, and safety tips to learn the right conduct of use.